Beetroot, carrot and apple salad

Beetroot, carrots and apples are a popular detox juice combination, so I love this salad version too.

Beetroots are great for heart and blood health. They contain an array of vitamins and minerals, support the immune system, and contain anti-aging properties. Winning just with this one!

Carrots have beta-carotene that convert vitamin A to help functioning of the eyes and the immune system. It also helps the body flush out the toxins from the body and reduces bile and fat from the liver.

Apples also contain a host of nutrients that support your immune system, and also a healthy dose of dietary fibre to keep your tummy happy. If you keep the skin on try and get some organic apples as they’re on the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen most heavily chemically-sprayed fruits. They also taste like apples should - none of these tasteless floury apples, life is too short!

This makes for a significant sized salad, or if you leave the dressing off it can be left in the fridge to use over a few days.



  • 2 medium Beetroots

  • 4 Carrots

  • 2 Apples

  • 1/4 Red Cabbage

  • Favourite herbs like mint, ginger, coriander, parsley



  1. Trim tops off beetroot & carrot and finely grate (you can leave skin on, organic preferred)

  2. Chop apples and thinly slice red cabbage

  3. Add your favourite fresh herbs and combine well in large bowl

  4. Create a simple dressing using the olive oil, vinegar and juice/zest of 1 lemon or a few drops of Young Living Lemon essential oil which is a safe culinary oil.